‘Creators’ Offer Restaurant Marketers a Powerful New Lever

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December 13, 2021

One of restaurant marketers’ surest paths to achieving cultural relevancy is to help consumers find their “tribe.” The notion of building a brand people will be happy belonging to the herd of. While social media has its frustrations, this is one arena it’s opened the flood gates for. Not only can restaurants listen and engage with customers more directly than ever, but they can tap into the voices people already tune into. You can connect with a “tribe” by finding its leader, so to speak.

As offbeat as that might sound, it’s happening at a rapid clip these days. Whether it's “creator content” or “influencer marketing," the main goal stays the same—discover an authentic voice.

Adam Dornbusch, CEO of EnTribe, an SaaS platform for user-generated content, chatted with QSR about this opportunity and how the restaurant industry can craft relationships amid a changing landscape.

Read the full article on QSR.

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